Top Trail and Ultra FAQs

I frequent Facebook and Reddit ultra running pages, and love helping the community out with their questions! Here is a list of what I see frequently asked:

  • Q: I’m training for my first ultra, what’s the longest I need to run before the race to finish?

    • A: While many people swear by running a trail marathon before a 50k, 50ks before 50M’s, or 50M’s before 100M’s, the answer is: none of these are necessary! What matters is your total time-on-feet during your peak training weeks. General rule of thumb: for 50k’s and 50M’s, you should get at least 6 hours/week starting 6 weeks out from race day, and for 100k’s and 100M’s, at least 9 hours/week starting 9 weeks out from race day (these are minimums to finish). That being said, I always recommend a few 18-20 mile runs (with back-to-backs) in your peak weeks o you can feel how your body responds to longer distances and practice nutrition. Anything longer than 20 miles/4 hours is risky and poses a greater injury risk, in addition to longer recovery which could derail the rest of your training.

  • Q: 20 milers are hard! Back-to-backs are even harder! Can’t I just spread out my volume more over the week and follow the 6/9 hour rule?

    • A: I’ve seen this quite a bit, and unfortunately, because of the General Adaptation Syndrome (which is what stimulates gains in strength and endurance), running nothing but shorter ‘comfortable’ runs isn’t going to prepare you for an ultra, as you aren’t triggering any adaptation through ‘resistance’ (when things feel tough). In order for our bodies to get stronger, we need to challenge them, so completing those not-so-fun 18-20 milers is critical in preparing your body for longer distances. This is also why the dreaded back-to-back run is so important: running on tired legs shouldn’t feel fun - but that’s where you gain fitness that will get you across the finish line.

  • Q: Does this get easier over time? I feel like my long runs are a drag - everything hurts!

    • A: In short, yes, it does get easier over time - but there are three contributing factors to why these runs are so hard. First, physical: your muscles and tendons may not be in perfect shape for cranking out 20 milers, and that’s ok! Figuring out your weak areas and focusing on proper strength training can make your long runs more comfortable (and help you walk like a normal human the day after). I struggled with deep hip pain my first few years running trails, but after I dedicated time every week to work on strengthening, that pain disappeared! Second, aerobic: it’s possible you’re running too hard on your long runs (heart rate Zone 2 is recommended - but few follow this rule!). If you’re gassed after your runs, or feel like every step is struggle with your heart pounding - simple fix - SLOW DOWN. Doing speed work will also help with this, but the easiest fix it to make sure you long runs are at an easy conversational pace, not strained. Finally, be sure you’re getting proper nutrition and sleeping well/taking days off so you’re not accumulating fatigue. A few days off will not derail your entire training cycle.

  • Q: How much time do you need to prepare for an ultra?

    • A: The ultimately depends on your experience level and what your current running volume is, but I typically suggest a 22 week training cycle leading up to a race (this could be longer or shorter, again, depending on your current volume and what point of the training year you’re in). 22 weeks allows for: 4 weeks of VO2 work and lower volume, 6 weeks of tempo work and a slight increase in volume, 9-10 weeks of endurance work with a steady increase in volume (and 4 weeks for peak training included in those 10), then a 2-3 week taper. If you’re just coming off another training cycle, it’s possible you can cut the first 10 weeks of dedicated low volume speed work and do a 12 week build to your next event (most training plans you’ll find online are 12 weeks for this reason).

  • Q: How many ultras can I run in a year?

    • A: Again, this depends on your experience level. If this is your first ultra, I only suggest 1 over the course of a year and a longer training cycle. If you’re not so new to ultras, it can be safe to do 2-3 over the course of a year, but these need to be strategically planned out at the start of the year so you have adequate time for rest and recovery in between events. An example of this would be: spring (50k), summer (50M), fall (100k). It’s also very typical to see a 50k “training race” completed in prep for a longer event. Note: if you’re using a 50k race for training purposes only, you shouldn’t be “racing” the 50k! Race efforts require more recovery, so if you struggle to keep you pace and effort in-check while participating in an event, I suggest sticking to training runs only.

  • Q: What should an ideal taper look like?

    • A: The general rule is to reduce volume by 50% 2 weeks out, and 50% again. I personally prefer a 3 week taper with a more gradual reduction in volume (~ 10 miles/week). Race week, keep the runs short and easy - it doesn’t matter what distance you’re running, the race-week plan looks the same for any: Monday (rest), Tuesday (easy 4 miles with a few strides), Wednesday (3 miles easy), Thursday (rest), Friday (2-3 mile shake out with a few hill strides).

  • Q: What do you suggest for nutrition and hydration?

    • A: Eat as much real food as you can for as long as you can! Think bars, cookies, pretzels, rice, whatever your favorite snack food are. Later into the race I personally love Cliff Bloks - I find them more tolerable than gels and they come in both sweet and salty varieties so you can eat what you’re craving. As for liquid calories, I prefer Naak (Tailwind and others have caused digestive issues due to the high concentration of artificial sweeteners). I always suggest having 1 bottle with liquid calories and 1 with plain water (or mixed with electrolytes). Sometimes I just crave plain water, and drink mixes can be repulsive, especially if it’s hot out. Finally, always pack some salt tablets to supplement any electrolytes as needed (most people require 750-1,100 mg/hour!).

  • Q: How do I know how many electrolytes I need?

    • A: There are ways to test this now - the Nix biosensor is a wearable (multi-use) that measures your sweat rate and electrolyte concentration. However: wearables aren’t perfect - always approach the data with caution; ultimately this just takes trial and error. Most people need 750-1,100mg/hour depending on the temperature.

  • Q: I’m doing a ton of speedwork but I’m not getting faster - what gives?

    • A: Most people aren’t aware of the power of periodization in their training. Meaning, if you’re constantly doing speedwork, you run the risk of being under-recovered and never realizing gains from your workouts through rest (rest is when we get stronger/faster - not during the workout itself!). The best approach is to be intentional about your speed work: rather than scheduling a ‘random’ speed day every week, plan out a dedicated speed block (4-6 weeks) and just do 1 type of workout (VO2 vs tempo/threshold). Data has shown this is more impactful than mixing speed work sessions. Also be sure to emphasize speed when your volume is low (usually at the start of the year), so you’re not asking too much of your body at once. It’s best practice to remove speed work entirely in your peak volume training block so you’re not overworking yourself - you will maintain the gains from your speed blocks throughout your training!

  • Q: How do I find time for strength training? Where in my week should I put this?

    • A: It’s best to put your strength training on easy run days mid-week (assuming you’re doing long runs on the weekends). I like to start my week with upper body and core, then legs mid-week, then another upper body session on Fridays. I also prefer to put leg day after a speed work day (usually Wednesdays). Note: it’s best to take a complete day of rest (typically Mondays), but if you’re stretched for time, Monday could be a good day for upper body work assuming it isn’t too taxing. My ideal week: Monday (rest), Tuesday (speed + upper body), Wednesday (easy run + leg day), Thursday (easy run), Friday (upper body, optional short easy run), Saturday (long run), Sunday (back-to-back).

  • Q: I’m sick - can I still run?

    • A: Depends what kind of sick! In general, running (or any kind of exercise) is a big no-no if you have a fever or if it’s upper-respiratory. If you just have a head cold, it’s technically safe to run….HOWEVER, you should be considerate of decreased sleep quality and ability to recover. Doing a hard run while sick won’t do you any favors - if anything - it can lead to overtraining and cumulative fatigue. I always suggest rest when you’re not feeling well!

  • Q: I twisted an ankle and can’t run on it - am I doomed?

    • A: I wouldn’t say ‘doomed’ - but be sure to rest the ankle and rehab it before re-starting running, as the ligament may be damaged. Bloodflow helps with healing, so if it’s a minor strain, you could be able to run again soon after. Always seek medical advice from a qualified PT or doctor after any injury to ensure it’s safe to return to running. And remember: RICE is out - PEACE & LOVE is IN!

  • Q: I have achilles pain/soreness - should I rest for awhile?

    • A: this might surprise you, but not really! Tendons need bloodflow and loading to repair themselves, so while resting might make you feel better temporarily, as soon as you go out for a run again the pain will be back! Tendons are not muscles, and they don’t heal in the same way muscles do. It’s best to consult with a qualified PT on this who works with runners (and understands proper tendon-rehab protocols), but in general you’ll want to stop any activity that provokes pain levels greater than 3-4/10 (either during or after the activity - including the morning after!), and start doing tendon loading exercises, such as calf eccentrics. It’s best to catch this early (take it from somebody who dealt with achilles issues for years!). Thing not to do: do not stretch a grumpy tendon (this means calf stretches), do not use NSAIDs (these have been proven to slow the healing process), not do ice it (heat is better as it stimulates bloodflow).


Running at altitude: The basics


How much volume do you need to finish an ultra?